

Datos personales

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Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
Hi my name is Liliana Maria Dueñas Silva. I just come in to the collegue, it has been a great time because I have learnt math, economyc , physics, all the knowledge for working as a industrial engineer, furthemore, I have learnt a lot human knowledge like the value of the frienship, be reesponsiblebur the most important thing is thata I learnt, if you are a hard-worked you would get a very good results.





miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008


Albert Einstein was one of the greatest minds in world history. He was born on march 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. His parents were Pauline and Hermann Einstein and they didn't have any knowledge in the areas of math or science. Eisntein was a brilliant physicist who contributed to the science more than any other person.First of all, Einstein in his childhood was a very curious kid that showed a little aptitude for anything. But when he was a teenarger, he prefered to teach himself advanced mathematics and science. Then, at the age of 16, Einstein went to Aarau, Switzerland to finish high school. HE graduated from high school at the age of 17.Furthermore, Albert Eisntein's most contribution to the world was the theory of relativity. By 1902, he was 26 years old and he was working on combining time and space, matter and energy. The greatest results of this theory was the famous Einstein's relation E=mc2. In this equation, he was able to prove that any increase in the energy, Em, of a body, must lead to an increase in its mass, m, and these increases are related by a factor c2, where c represents the velocity of light squared.In 1914, Einstein went to Berlin as a professor and then he accepted an special job as a theacher at the University of Berlin. Also, Albert Einstein's most famous writing was a letter written to president Franklin Roosvelt on august 2, 1939. The letter was about an atomic bomb.In addition, Albert Einstein was married with a woman called Mileva and they had a daughter. The baby daughter was give up in adoption shortly afnter her birth. They Also had two sons that they kept. In 1919, Albert and Mileva were divorce. The same year, Albert married his cousin Elsa Einstein.Finally, the death of Albert Einstein was on april 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Yersey. After a long disease, he died when he was sleep. The listed cause of his death wasd a rupture in an artery of his heart. his brain was donated to science and his body was cremated.