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Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
Hi my name is Liliana Maria Dueñas Silva. I just come in to the collegue, it has been a great time because I have learnt math, economyc , physics, all the knowledge for working as a industrial engineer, furthemore, I have learnt a lot human knowledge like the value of the frienship, be reesponsiblebur the most important thing is thata I learnt, if you are a hard-worked you would get a very good results.





domingo, 25 de mayo de 2008


First of all, second world war was a terrible time for the Jews because Hitler wanted to kill all of them. I think that if I had been in Solek's situation, I would have done the same in order to protect myself. Although, Solek was in danger all the time, he cheated everyone and he wasn't discovered. I think we have to be secure of ourselves to superate the difficulties that the life put us. Solek was a valiant man and because of that, he survived.Also, I think I would lie to save my life but I don't know if I would have the same courage of Solek, because I don't know how would be my reaction if I had in this situation. Perhaps, when we are in danger, we can act different.Fufthermore, I think that any person would do anything to be protected. I would go far in order to protect myself unless the things that I have put in danger my family.In addition, I considerate the life is something that we have to preservate. Anybody have the power to decide if a person must to live or not. Everybody have the same rights and we have to understand that society have different beliefs and different opinions. In the case of the film, Germans rejected the Jews because they thought Jews were not a pure race. This situation wasn't a problem to Solek because he still alived and he became a German war hero. He could go far to protect himself.On the other hand, Solek denied his religious beliefs to be safe. If I had in Solek's situation, I would have donde the same because in this time, Jews were not accepted and their destiny were died. I think that the religion is something that form our values but when we are un danger of death, we have the need to lie. Personally, I wouldn't deny my beñiefs because is something that make me better as person unless I will be in danger of death. Life is the most importan thing and we have to take care it.

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